Monday, June 4, 2018

America No More

After a year and a half of waking up and feeling like I was kicked in the gut and my brain is being eaten by an orange monster that keeps saying, "believe me". I lost count of how many times I've yelled "fuck you" at the television. I struggle with the fact that my country, your country, is being dismantle by a overbearing mobster president. I'm so tired of it, that's why the 2018 midterm election is so important. We, all sane, caring people must vote or our country will be wreckage. Please vote so Democrats can get control of both house of Congress. If we allow this MADMAN, criminal president to continue, we just as well should become Lemmings and jump off the cliff and drown.
     The Republicans have lost their minds, bless their bitter little hearts. Do they really believe all the stuff Trumplstilzkin is signing into law won't be undone? The judges won't save you. How crooked are you, you fake God loving fool's. Time is on our side not yours. You have destroyed your party and have become the most hated in our history. You're not Christians, you can't force your crazy beliefs on real thinking people. Go on believing that throwing crumbs at blacks and framing Mexicans as criminals is going to work. The wall will never happen and you won't get Mexicans and blacks to vote for your racist plan. America is browning and you can't stop it. You should embrace it cause you will be pirriahs if you don't. I am an atheist, but if Jesus was real, he would call you INFIDELS because you worship money, power, self interest.  Christ would support free healthcare, education from such a blessed country. The biggest screw you gave us is your tax cut for the rich. What a joke, gas prices have taken the few bucks that some middle class and working poor got, all $8 not counting higher food prices, low wages and no healthcare. If I hear another trumper saying he won't pay for some lazy libtard healthcare, I might go ballistic on him. That's not the way, we will never become a perfect union that way. Now you want to prevent taxes on mining space. When some asteroids are worth a 100 trillion$ per asteroid. We paid for the research to mine in space and just one would pay off all debt and raise the standard of living for everyone, let alone all the millions of asteroids and the moon, mars and other moons near earth. 
All in all, I would say the Republican party is doomed, you have lost your soul. You have betrayed the trust of the people and are allowing law and order to become a joke. Trump is an unrepentant criminal and he's not a Christian, he's playing you. Look at what he is doing to our allies, we are isolated and alone because of what he's doing. Every other country knows,  why don't you?
One more thing before I end. We now have proof that we aren't alone in this universe. The government released video proof ET is here and no one seems to care. Why is the most important event in history being ignored? Something stinks, we should force release of the rest of the evidence that we aren't alone. There is decades of evidence it's time to know the truth. We can handle it. A golden age is before us, reach out and take it, don't hide behind lies. Yes you lied and are holding back technology that will change the world for the better. Gas and oil have to go. In a generation Earth could become paradise again.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017




The Senate and House are willing to let slide Trump's possible collusion and rigging of the election for the sake of passing over-reaching bills. Knowing full well that if Hilary did anything close to what the Trump administration has done, they would launch independent investigations and scream: Impeach Her, she's a traitor, lock her up... and you know this would be a fact because they did it when questions arose concerning President Clinton's sex life.
There is little doubt that Trump knew all about the numerous calls to Russian agents about rigging the election in Trumps favor. But there's more. Trump may have promised the Russians that if he won he would back off the sanctions leveled on Russia. More and more details being leaked everyday and the Republicans will never investigate because they are Trumps butt boys and want to finally be able to turn the USA into a religious-police-state. Thereby in turn, forcing citizens to live without health insurance, public schools and allowing uncontrolled pollution of our world. Why? Because the religious-right wants to force Armageddon on the world. That's the easy answer, the fact is they want to rule the country from their rich zip codes and force religion down our throats...their religion!
Reasonable people are terrified about what is to come.  Mass deportations, police state tactics and forcing utter submission to their rule. Calling the media the enemy of the state and banning honest media from attending W H press briefings. Steve Bannon has been planning this, "disassembling of the administrative state".Which means stripping the government so that all it does is, build up the military for war and turn the U.S. into a police state. With no protections for health and safety of the people, Bannon has been planning this for decades and thanks to Trump, who is easy to control, Bannon now has his shot. He said "If we pull this off, we'll rule for fifty years." With no pollution controls of our land, air and water, we may not be able to survive fifty years. They don't care about global warming because they think that we will adapt to the dramatic global destruction and move on. Again they want the money to build their isolationist police state. Controlling the return of dominance of the white race. Bannon wants to build a European old school class structure in our country. Where the poor stay poor and the rich get richer and control every aspect of society except, healthcare, education, civil liberties, anti-pollution, global warming and the exploration of space except maybe mining to make more money. Only the things that effect the rich, the police state and military. This is what they believe is the land of the free and rich.
To correct this unnatural event, we must build a lasting movement to stop Trump and fight back against his insidious corruption of the America that really is us versus the intolerant one that he and is cronies are making it. If we don't fight with every last ounce of strength, then, we deserve what we get. The D N C must elect a new face and open the party to all the Independents who are looking to feel welcome. The old guard failed us and it's time for new blood and innovative thinking. We can regain our majority by not only promising, but actually giving the people what they want. Jobs, immigration reform, HEALTHCARE FOR ALL and sanity in foreign policy. We must speak truth to the people and have the balls to speak and fight truth to our anti-president, Trump/Bannon. It's time to raise our voices with the facts and beat the the truth into the Trumplicans in an effort to prove to our mislead fellow Americans that they fell for the con and bought into the largest shell game ever played. It is my opinion that Trump and Bannon are the most dangerous threat to the American way of life and to world peace in general.
OK enough of the ranting. Let's look at the fact that only14% of the voting public actually vote in the primaries, split equally with 7% on the Left and the Right.  This means that the extremes of each party get to pick the candidates. That is why it is so important for everyone to vote in every election. ARE YOU LISTENING? Furthermore the primaries must be open to all who want to vote or we'll never get decent candidates in the general elections.
It is because of weak voter turnout that a minority was able to vote Trump into office, and so far, the first 30 days have shown what a nightmare that is. Also the Republican party is nothing but an incestuous pool of self interest. You can bet the farm that soon you will have no health coverage because their own words have brought into light their belief that only those who can afford it should have it. This is called rationing of health care when only the rich can afford medical care and it truly speaks of death panels when the Republicans want to eliminate the preexisting condition clause, which will in turn cause many to die that might otherwise would not have.  They speak of access to healthcare, however the word "access" does not guarantee that you will have healthcare, it only guarantees that you will have access, which in turn will ration healthcare and provide it for only those who are able to afford it. The Republicans are in the pocket of big pharma and health insurers, meaning that they will never allow you to have affordable healthcare unless YOU make it impossible to repeal the A C A.
The Republicans have already begun stripping away anti-pollution controls which will have the dire consequence of assisting the acceleration of Global Warming.  This is done because of greed and an insatiable pursuit of the almighty dollar, wrapped up in a neat little lie about creating jobs in order to sell the con to the people.  A better solution than polluting the planet, to combat the loss of jobs, would be to create new economic zones in the hardest hit parts of the country and offer free training for the jobs that are needed now and will be needed in the future. It is a logical solution, but as we have seen, the current administration has a tendency to defy logic and deny the truth. Ironically it is the only the truth that will help the devastated communities in the coal industries and the other major polluters. Another idea that could fix the economy permanently is going into space to mine space asteroids.  That one simple idea should be the moon shot of today. One average asteroid could be worth trillions of dollars with the minerals and rare elements that it could provide. The benefits in technology gains from these projects could bring millions of jobs to America. We could eliminate the entire national debt in short order and in turn raise incomes and quality of life for the entire world. This could be a golden age that may trigger the greatest innovations the world has ever seen. This golden age could last for ever! This is not some wild fantasy. Companies are already building and testing equipment that would be used in space mining. The plan is to build orbiting factories in low earth orbit, on the moon and on or near the asteroid belt. Mining and manufacturing all in space and sending them to earth or building factories space transport ships, deep space star ships, tugs, living facilities, on the moon and asteroid belt etc. Workers would rotate from earth to space factories, keeping the workers healthy and earning big money to work in space.
Lastly for today. there are three issues we must confront.
1. The Republicans will take away your healthcare and cause 45,000 to 70,000 people to die needlessly every year! People whom are now receiving medical care for serious illnesses now, will die shortly after they lose their healthcare. Remember access is not healthcare if you can't afford it. In other words, the Republicans don't care if you die because you're most likely not a rich republican and their plan is to suck as much money out of your hands and into theirs. They support the EVIL EMPIRE Trump is trying to build with them. Read the Bible about the Father of Lies. Trump is smarter than you think, don't get fooled, his policies are dangerous and you must keep focused on them. Not his lies!!!
Mass deportation of emigrants creating a police state! This just a dangerous as losing healthcare!!!
The fact that Russia hacked our election in favor of Trump and sadly many Americans fell for it. How will they feel in a few months when family members start to die and when farmers can't harvest crops or a thousand other jobs we need filled that Americans don't want. The brain drain in tech companies that fuel our economy.
Global warming and pollution! Trump is now allowing the dumping of toxic sludge into our water ways and it just the beginning. That won't create millions of jobs, but it will create a few jobs to cleans up the mess if we get a chance to. Trump cannot return jobs to America that we lost because of automation and companies moving overseas for cheaper labor cost. The only way to bring high paying jobs is to train people for new jobs like renewable energy. The most promising is still the new moon shot. Move full force towards mining in space and building the tools to do it...
When a president announces that he is above the law, he is a dictator. However he will face justice no matter what crazy words he uses. He is a grand thief and a racist to name a few. Is that the kind of person we want? He's destroying our relations with our allies, trying to bully them with tariffs causing a tit for that trade war that will set back our economy and raise prices for everyone. A clear and present danger to our country. He's a proven security risk, what more will we allow this fool to do to us? Let me hear your ideas, I will post the good ones.